Frequently asked questions

Real estate market classification of floating houses:
Our floating houses are not real estates, but movables classified as “floating works” with a unique registration number, manufactured on the basis of type permits.
Permanent housing issue:
In a technical sense: floating houses are suitable for permanent residence, in comfort and technical solutions they meet the parameters of a modern building.
In legal terms: it is not possible to check in for floating houses as a permanent residence.
The houses are connected to coastal utilities: with water, sewage, electricity connections.
Operator services:
Services on the floating stand points
- Power consumption service with own meter
- Drinking water collection service with own meter
- Sewage disposal service
- Occasional caretaker service
Basic shore services
- Municipal waste collection, partly selective waste collection
- Enclosed, private area
- Car parking space
- Bicycle storage
- Barbecue terrace
Other planned paid services (upon request)
- Cleaning and maintenance of floating houses
- Electric charging station for cars
- Sauna pontoon
- Bicycle rental
Operating costs:
Operating costs vary depending on the involved water surface, based on different riverbed usage fees. In the case of the Velence project site, the planned operating fee is 50,000-85,000 HUF / month.
According to 2020 energy standards.
External wall panels:
Dried, planed wooden frame with a typical size of 50 × 100 mm, with 12 – 18 mm plywood covering on the outside and inside, 100 mm in the sandwich panel, 60 mm on the outside with Rockwool branded rock wool thermal insulation (160 mm in total), sealed with vapor permeable, windproof, waterproof layer on the outside.
The interior walls; Rigips Habito fireproof drywall with sound insulation fixed to a Rigips steel frame structure.
The facades are made of thermowood slat cladding and Alu composite plate.
Ceiling structure:
In its structure, the same layer system as the wall structure is supplemented with a slope-giving layer with a higher structure, correspondingly 20 cm thick Rockwool thermal insulation.
Floor structure:
Dried, planed wooden frame structure with 20 cm thick Rockwool thermal insulation. Two layers with 15 mm thick groove OSB cover, glued and screwed. Floor covering according to customer requirements in max. 15mm thickness, warm covering, strip parquet, PVC, Vinyl or cold covering, greslap.
Doors and windows:
Exterior doors and windows with 90 mm profile thickness, heat-bridge-free aluminum, 3-layer stop with EPDM seal. Powdered electrostatic coloring is determined by the current appearance. With 3 + 3 mm (6 + 4 + 4) three-layer glazing glued on the outside to ensure wind load and at the same time protection of property.
Exterior cornices are custom-designed powder-coated 2.0 mm thick aluminum cornices.
Interior doors and windows MDF-framed interior doors with MDF frame inserts, with individual glazing, veneering and color painting on request.
Mechanical engineering:
Optional air-to-air heat pump, cooling-heating air conditioning, electric underfloor heating, electric wall heating panels.